New CIOB Report Stresses Key Role of the Built Environment in the New Economy

A timely new report from the Chartered Institute of Building provides a practical agenda for the Industry and Government. The following is a brief summary of the key points.

To deliver "a low carbon economy and provide a 'value for money' return on investment in relation to the built environment, the industry in partnership with government must strive to achieve the following goals:
  • Maintain construction commitments in programmes such as education and infrastructure renewal to achieve long term national economic benefits.
  • Promote future job creation and skills development in the workforce by sustaining training and apprenticeships during the economic downturn.
  • Secure 'value for money' by properly resourced maintenance programmes, quality design and construction and efficient procurement processes
  • Balance speed and fairness in the planning system at al levels, from the massive changes needed to facilitate large-scale power generation through to the local level.
  • Achieve carbon reduction targets and job creation by pro-actively upgrading the energy efficiency of the existing building stock, a self financing exercise as long term savings result.
  • Support construction by means of a smoothly run financial system backed by policies on taxation which promote enterprise and growth.
  • Think in longer time frames to achieve the long term changes we need in transport, energy and sustainability, as opposed to stop/start cycles.
  • Appoint a full-time Minister of Construction and give the new Chief Construction Adviser a fully resourced office to achieve a 'joined up' approach which will back up major government programmes in housing, education, health, infrastructure and carbon reduction.
  • Promote access to construction jobs to all sections of society to achieve a diverse vibrant industry.
  • Pursue a policy of zero tolerance of fatalities and injuries." CLICK HERE FOR A LINK TO THE FULL REPORT


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